My dad is quite well known amongst the family for his picture taking abilities, well, more or less what he does for a picture. Well, growing up, us children were told of his taking a photo of some rock in Hawaii where Deborah Kerr sang "I'm going to Wash that Man Right Out of My Hair" in South Pacific. He later found out that he took a picture of the wrong rock. He was also assigned, as part of his job on base, to take a picture of President Reagan's limo when he visited Utah. Well, there were three limos and my dad is still not sure if it was the correct limo. My dad has been known to lay on the beach and do sit ups when the surf came in, to get a photo of I think the bungalow they staid in on their honeymoon (won't swear that was what he was trying to capture). My cousin, Moo, related a story of him standing in the middle of a windy road (not windy, as in wind blowing, but windy, as in many curves) in Hawaii, to get a picture, much to the distress of others in the traveling party.
So that sort of gives you a background to the pictures I am about to post. Oh, I forgot, our family also enjoys taking pictures of other family members taking pictures. Now to the story while they were here this time.
We were at the top of the Space Needle here in Seattle. They actually have the compass directions spaced around the observation deck around the top. I really did not need the them. I came across my dad at about the NE coordinate. He had gone ahead of my mother and me. He pointed off in the distance and wondered if the mountain out there was Mount Rainier. He was pointing north east. I knew that was NOT Mount Rainier and told him that it was not the correct mountain. Mount Rainier is more South East of Seattle. My dad was then certain that it was INDEED Mount Rainier. He was going to take a picture of it for this reason. I took a picture of my father taking a picture of what is actually Mount Baker. After his little photo shoot there, I escorted him down toward the south side of the observation deck. It was a bit hazy, but I then pointed out Mount Rainer. It is a wee bit larger than Mt Baker and he was happy to click a couple of pictures of the actual Mount Rainier. He was a little disappointed because of the haze, but he got his picture.
Picture upper right, my father taking pic of mount Baker, insisting it was Mt. Rainier.
Picture of his 1st Mt. Rainier (above), below, his "zoomed" picture of Mt. Baker.
Mt. Rainier, yes it is there, just a wee bit hazy to see it. We did get pics of Safeco Field and Qwest Field. It was nice
that they built them so close together so we could get them in a single frame picture.